Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Making of the Scenery - Scene 1

In this blog post i am going to go through how i planned out and made my cartoon scenery from start to finish!

First of all i needed to consult with the storyboard to see what i was making and the first scene is my bunny jumping around a forest having some fun!

so i need to make a cartoon forest for my little critter to play in!

so first off i started with a a simple tree!

Obviously i didnt click a button and a tree came out with Good cartoon cell shading and lighting!

The grass and the hopmarkers aren't supposed to be there they came last! i just had this screenshot available of the completed tree and thought i'd use it

I first modelled the tree using a cylinder and a sphere, i gave a cylinder i think 14 sides then I converted the cylinder to an editable poly. I then deleted the polygon cap At the top and then extruded every other edge at the top to make 7 branches, then moving them a long 4 segments, and extruding the edges of each branch upwards then around to make a simple box branch, lift up the sphere from any of the trees in the scene and it will be clear what i did! simple and effective! for the roots of the tree i just pulled out other vertex and put them at varied heights and lengths.

Now for the texturing of the tree(and consequently the texturing of my whole cartoon!), I had a great idea in which i got from The unity engine, i did a little reasearch inside the unity's cartoon shading libraries and found some sphere's which looked like the material map editor spheres in 3ds max. On these spheres were how unity shades its cartoon objects, so i decided to go dive into the max map editor in mental ray mode and see if i can't see something similar!

I had a look in the "standard" click box and found something called composite but it was horrible, so i decided to go into the box next to diffuse instead because it has different options, and i found something that looked near identical to the unity toon shading and it was just simply called "object color" i decided to add it to my tree and test out some lighting on it, as the colors i was using before were having a little too much shine!

this is a lighting and texture test screenshot with my skydrome in the background!

with the tree done i turned to the skydrome which i was working on at the same time (when bored with 1 work on another)

Here is how i made the skydome

The texture for the skydome i made myself using photoshop, here is the jpeg image file used on the skydome

I started off with a straight 5000x1500 canvas and used the pen tool to draw along the bottom of that to seperate the cartoon hills from the sky. I then changed the resolution of the image to 2048x2048 and used the polar co-ordinates distortion setting and made it circular ready for the skydome.

the last thing i did was to make a simple cartoon forest floor

This is a quad patch, set to 6x6, then converted to an editable poly, which then i think turns it into a 24x24 (6x4)

after which i added a noise modifier, putting noise strongly the X and Y axis, factors 8 and 4.5 respectively, then about 1.8-2.1 on the z axis to give it an uneven forest floor effect

The lighting is simply an omni light with a x2 multiplier, as i don't need complicated lighting effects for this piece of work for 2 reasons;

1. As im going for a cartoony look anything photometric will add elements of unecessary realism, rather than the abstract look im going for
2. Render time.